

Sigutė Dumpling House

Handmade dumplings mad with love (with pork, chicken, turkey, pork lungs, salmon, cottage cheese, cabbage, beef, potatoes, mushrooms, farmers, etc.), boiled, fried. In addition to hot dishes, you can taste a variety of locally made baked goods – buns, cakes, kibins, chebureki. An outdoor terrace is open during the summer. 


LunchLocally made baked goodsCatering for groupsTake out foodPartiesLodging servicesCatering delivery, decor


Lithuanian cuisineVegetarian menu

Number of seats: 110

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Natural objects

Sinkhole Įdubala

Įdubala opened more than a hundred years ago (in 1912) in the middle of Moliūnai forest. The depth measured by special devices is over five meters! It is said that once upon a time there was a horse standing in this place. A cursed girl came to ask for help from the boy who was lighting the fire in the threshing barn. When the boy who didn’t save her cursed, a hole opened in which the unfortunate girl disappeared. And a snake the size of a log crawled out of the hole and slithered into Moliūnai mound…

We invite you to search for the sinkhole, and its coordinates will help you not get lost in the forest.

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Natural objects

Skalės Mountain

Dolomite outcrop on the right bank of Mūša, natural monument. Dolomite is also called rock, lime, limestone, shale – that’s why this place got the name Skaliai Hill. With a steep slope, the outcrop falls to the river, in the east it gradually descends to the terrace of the valley, in the west – to a steep slope several hundred meters long and 7 meters high steep slope, covered with grass and bushes. In the western part of the cliff, the oldest rocks are visible – the clay and dolomite of the Pamūšis measure, in the eastern part – the dolomite of the Stipinai measure, at the top of the cliff, on the rocks of the Devonian system, there are Quaternary deposits up to 1 meter thick. At the bottom of the outcrop, water rushes in, moistening the grass. Dolomite was formed about 350 million years ago on the sea floor from dissolved carbonate sediments. When the level of the sea dropped and their bottom rose, the rocks oxidized, and their color changed – the gray dolomite became yellowish gray.

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House of Prayer

Skrebotiškis Church of  the Holy Heart of Jesus

There was a will to build a church in the village even before the WWI. The priest Adomas Kačkus sent to Skrebotiškis in 1918 finally started the works. The old brick granary was converted into a church, a wooden tower and belfry were added. Farmer Juozapas Žagrakalys donated 15 hectares of land to the church in 1922. The interior of the church was badly damaged by fire in 1993, luckily the people, who got there quickly, managed to put it out.

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Sodyba „Mūšos vingis“

Sodyba įsikūrusi netoli Gustonių kaimo, apsupta gamtos ir ramybės. Salės nuoma Jūsų šventėms (jubiliejams, krikštynoms, giminių susitikimams ir pan.). Taip pat siūlome sudalyvauti nuotaikingoje edukacijoje „Alaus kelias“.

Papildomos paslaugos

Maudykla prie upėsLauko pavėsinė su grilinimo vietaBatutas mažiesiems

Vietų skaičius: 50

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House of Prayer

St. Joseph’s Church of Vaškai

The first wooden chapel of Vaškai was built around 1665. It was served by the provost of Saločiai. In the early 18th century, during the wars with the Swedes and the plague, the chapel was abandoned. The landowner of Zvanagala Andriejus Staševskis built a new wooden church in 1766, it was granted parish rights (before that it was a branch of Saločiai). The landowners of the area assigned a volok of land and 13 thousand auksinas to the church. After the church became old in 1793 a new wooden belfry was built next to it.

The current church was built in 1881 through the efforts of pastor Bronius Stasevičius. 25-register organ was installed in 1887. The sanctuary has features of Romanesque and Classicism style.

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House of Prayer

St. Thomas Chapel of Niurkonys

The chapel was dedicated to the memory of Lieutenant General Tomas Vavžeckis, commander of the uprising of 1794 against Tsarist Russia. He gathered the rebels in the vicinity of Pušalotas, later led the Žemaičiai division, and after Tadas Kosciuška was captured, he was appointed the commander of the entire uprising. The chapel was funded by Juozapas Vavžeckis, the brother of Tomas Vavžeckis, manager of Niurkoniai Manor. The sanctuary was built in 1828. Local landowners were buried in its dungeons. This is one of the most beautiful late classicism chapels in Lithuania. In addition, it is the only architectural monument in Lithuania dedicated to the commemoration of the uprising of 1794. In the nearby fields, there is a preserved stone pillar of the Niurkoniai Manor surrounded by legends. The chapel has not been restored, but church festival of St. Aloyzas takes place here every year in June.

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House of Prayer

St. Trinity Church of Joniškėlis

There was a wooden church or chapel in Joniškėlis, then called Janiškiai, since 1685. It was funded by landlady Kotryna Stankevičiūtė-Puzinienė. The shrine stood in the current old cemetery, called “Mūrinės”. It was destroyed by the participants of the uprising of T. Kosciuszko in 1794: they robbed the rectory, requisitioned liturgical supplies. During the incident, the shrine was set on fire, possibly to cover the tracks or in the heat of the conflict. It is known that already Benediktas Karpis, the landowner of Joniškėlis, started the construction of a new brick shrine on the outskirts of the town near Mažupė in 1788. The church was completed in 1792. It is a valuable monument of early classicism architecture. Its interior has expressive baroque and neo-baroque forms, a rather unified style. The large altar and the tower of a very distinctive shape stand out – a rarity in Lithuanian sacral architecture. A coffin motif can be seen in the shape of the church. According to the legend, Karpis, who killed his brother, had to build exactly such a church on the order of the Pope, which would remind him of the terrible crime every day.

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Store of Saimeta products

Daujėnai homemade bread is baked according to an old family recipe using only rye flour, the dough is naturally leavened in wooden tubs. It has no chemical additives, preserves a lot of natural, valuable substances, making it an indispensable product for a healthy diet.

By baking bread, making cakes, confectionery products, and kvass according to the recipes of local housewives, we preserve the culinary heritage of the region for many years.

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Street art

Street Art Drawing “Brothers”

The drawing is dedicated to the Vileišiai brothers.

The identity of the Pasvalys region is inseparable from Vileišiai brothers, the famous revivers of Lithuanian spirit. Everyone has probably heard about these famous brothers, but few know that their childhood was spent in a small village in Pasvalys District – Mediniai.

These are two shapes embracing each other, symbolizing brotherhood, friendship, a certain connection in time. One shape represents the modern man, the youth, and is graphically colored. The other one reflects the past, history – the Vileišiai brothers. The inside of the latter shape is a part of the suit of one of the Vileišiai brothers, reproduced according to the available photo. The street art work itself is meant to be viewed from afar, so the best viewing spot is the other bank of the Lėvuo River.

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Street art

Street Art Drawing “Flight”

The drawing is dedicated to the pilots of the Pasvalys region – Vytautas Lapėnas, Eugenijus Malinauskas, and Jonas Pyragis. The pilots who lived between the earth and the sky, between life and death, remained faithful to their passion – flying, all their lives.

A hawk that symbolizes the freedom of flight, looks as if split in half. The transition from natural colors to red is like a transition between life and death. Although these people are no longer among us, they have always been and will remain alive in our memories… The crumbling hawk feathers – stricter geometric shapes, resemble the wreckage of a crashed plane. When injured, the pilots usually rose like phoenixes, driven by the desire to feel the power of flight again and again… In the drawing, this is reflected by the transition of red into yellow.

The soaring hawk looks at the sky as the pilots – V. Lapėnas, E. Malinauskas, and J. Pyragius – once looked. When you look at a hawk, you can feel the freedom of flight and remember those without whom today is much more empty… 

The author of the drawing idea is the artist Tadas Šimkus (studio “Gyva grafika”).

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Street art

Street art drawing “Vilhelmas Janiselis with his family”

The drawing is followed by the shadow of exile. A historical camera was selected, which the famous folk artist, photographer Vilhelmas Janiselis, hidden in a loaf of bread, took to Siberia and recorded the daily life of exiles there. Today, these photographs have become a documentary chronicle and have been declared a UNESCO heritage. The exile affected not one or two people, but the whole family… Therefore, the entire family of Janiseliai carries cameras – parents Vilhelmas and Matilda, children Aldona, Emilija, Algirdas, and Jonas. The images of all of them have been reproduced based on photographs taken in exile. The legendary camera is stored in the exposition of the Pasvalys Regional Museum. The author of the drawing idea is the artist Arminas Raugevičius (studio “Gyva grafika”).

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Studio Kūno ir sielos harmonija

Studio Kūno ir sielos harmonija is a massage studio that welcomes everyone who wants to enjoy peace and rest, regain strength after the day’s work or stressful situations. The scents of essential oils or incense, relaxing meditative music and the attentive touch of hands will help you relax and feel the harmony of body and soul. Services provided by the studio: Japanese therapeutic facial massage KOBIDO, aromatherapy RAINDROP massage (feet and back), marma point massage (Marma therapy), point massage of feet and hands, anti-cellulite leg massage, classic body massages: back, shoulder girdle, arms, legs, whole body, REIKI sessions.

Booking in advance is required!

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Natural objects, parks

Svalia Valley Park

The river Svalia gave the name to the City of Pasvalys. The recreation park located in the river valley is a great place for leisure, sports, children’s games, and nature observation.

The spaces of the park are connected by bridges and paths, a cozy square with sculptures and exercise equipment, a tennis table, and a children’s area with climbing playsets. Gazebos invite you to sit down, and wooden deckchairs invite you to lie down. At the edge of the park is the old Jewish and Karaite cemetery of Pasvalys. From Svalia Park, you can walk to Sinkhole Park (Panevėžio g.).

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Natural objects

Šventabala (Mary’s spring)

There was always a belief that it has miraculous powers. During the Pentecost church festival, people would walk, ride, and cycle to the spring, and those who wanted to be healed would crawl on their knees. The spring used to look completely different. Until 1938 there was a puddle where people washed their diseased and wounded body parts.

During the Soviet era, the spring was filled with soil under the order of the authorities. After the restoration of independence, the people of Daujėnai enthusiastically revived the spring and turned it into a sacral place.

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