Places to visit in Pasval district


Gulbinėnai Manor Homestead

The homestead of Gulbininėnai Manor belonged to General Kazys Ladyga from 1925 to 1941. He tried to create a modern farm, to turn the manor into a real cultural center of the area. Thanks to K. Ladyga’s care, a post office, a shop, additional sections of elementary school, and roads were built in Gulbinėnai. He earned the greatest gratitude of the residents by founding a chapel on the estate, later supporting the construction of a church, and the creation of a parish. A seven-year-old school started operating in the palace of the Gulbinėnai manor in 1945 and operated until 1992. Today the manor belongs to a private individual. The territory of the homestead consisted of three zones: representative, economy, and recreational. The composition of the representative zone is characteristic to even the homesteads of baroque manors of the 18th century. All buildings are build from red bricks and stone masonry. Today, 10 buildings or their fragments remain: a palace, a granary, a workshop, barns and outbuildings. Behind the manor palace lies a large park with a unique system of ponds and canals. Acacia trees were planted around the ponds, the dance floor with lindens.

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Joniškėlis Manor and Park

From the mid 17th century to 1940 Joniškėlis manor was controlled by Karpiai, one of the most extensive family in Lithuania. They built a classicist manor house in the second half of the 18th century and started creating a park. The park was designed by the German architect Franz Lehman in the 19th century. The old part of the park on the left bank of Mažupė River was built in the English style. The right bank belongs to the French park. Karpiai arranged the park spaces tastefully, family gatherings and weekend concerts took place here. Prominent Lithuanian cultural figures, writers, and public figures walked along the paths of the park. Today it is one of the ten largest (34 ha) and most valuable manor parks in Lithuania. On the parterre of the palace, 200 rose bushes bloom in summer. Take a walk along the paths of the park, admire the rare species of plants, relax in the gazebo. And come at least once to the mysterious “Night in Karpiai Manor”.

Legend. Once upon a time, trees never took root in the park. The steward of the manor proposed a macabre solution: to water the land of the future park with the blood of innocent babies. Karpis did just that – the trees took root and grew. Oaks grew where boys’ blood flowed, and lindens grew where girls’ blood flowed. However, the soul of the cursed landowner will roam the park as long as there is at least one oak tree in it. And today, when lightning strikes, Karpis face appears in the oak crowns, begging for lightning to strike and burn the giants. Only then will he find peace…

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Pajiešmeniai Manor and Park

Buildings remaining until the late 19th century – early 20th century. The manor belonged to Klebokas, then to baron Ludvik Rop. He planted a park and built a red brick manor house that has survived to this day. During the Soviet era, the palace served as a cultural center and an administrative center for the local economy. Later, families lived here. The palace building was purchased by a private individual in 2003.

The manor palace is made of red brick, the central part has two floors, with an attic. A mixed-style park stretches along the Jiešmuo stream – a place for local people and guests to relax. A hanging wooden bridge connects the shores of Jiešmuo pond, there is a possibility to ride water bikes. An oak tree grows in the park – a botanical natural monument, its diameter reaches 1.5 m.

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Vytartai Manor

In the middle of the 19th century, the family of the landowner Aleksandaras Chodakauskas bought the Vytartai manor. On the side of Pasvalys, on the picturesque bend of Mūša River, the mansion was once haunted by the silhouettes of famous women. Sofija Smetonienė, the wife of Antanas Smetona, the first president of Lithuania, often visited here, at the house of her grandmother Šarlotė Osten Saken Chodakauskienė. Gabrielė Petkevičaitė-Bitė, godmother of S. Smetonienė, also from the Chodakauskai family, was a frequent guest in Vytartai. Grandfather of S. Smetonienė and father of G. Petkevičaitė-Bitė were brothers.

On the road to the manor an arched bridge was built over Mūša River in 1928. President A. Smetona himself participated in the opening of the bridge. There was a school in the Vytartai manor from 1931 to 1968. Currently, the manor belongs to private individuals.

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