Places to visit in Pasval district

Historical places of memory

Birthplace of poet Bernardas Brazdžionis

Here, in the homestead of the former village of Stebeikėliai, the future classic of Lithuanian literature, Bernardas Brazdžionis, honorary Citizen of the city of Pasvalys, was born on 02 February 1907. The boy, who was barely a year old, left his homeland with his parents and went across the Atlantic. He will later return, attend Žadeikiai, Pasvalys elementary schools, Biržai gymnasium, and study at Vytautas Magnus University. Then long years of living abroad… The native village will often appear in the poet’s works. A narrow, dusty road leads here, and the last remaining homestead in the neighborhood reminds us of what the Brazdžioniai farm might have looked like. Today, it is reminded by a powerful hundred-year-old oak and a roofed pillar with a figure of St. Roch was erected in 1989. In the years of revival, the poet’s return to his homeland was particularly sensitive.

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Historical places of memory

Bunker of Lithuanian partisans in the Green Forest

The partisans of the Green Forest set up a bunker in this place in autumn of 1944, named it “Near the path of Margiai Mountain-ash”. Jonas Tamošiūnas-Vyturys, a partisan from the village of Margiai, was killed in a battle with Russian soldiers near the bunker on 06 October 1945. At that time, another partisan was killed, whose name, unfortunately, is unknown. Others successfully retreated.

Bunker was restored in 2004 by the young riflemen of the Pasvalys rifle company, led by Algis Kalvėnas. In memory of the partisans, their comrade Juozas Tamulionis erected a wooden cross.

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Historical places of memory

Bunker of Lithuanian partisans in the Green Forest

The bunker, built in 1948, was one of the headquarters of the partisan commander Povilas Žilis-Klevas. The fighters of his unit belonged to the Green Detachment of Vytis County.

The authentic bunker was never discovered nor destroyed by the enemy, it was destroyed by nature. Bunker was restored in 2003 by the young riflemen of the Pasvalys rifle company, led by Algis Kalvėnas.

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Historical places of memory

Bunker of Lithuanian partisans in Žadeikiai forest

A place that gives an authentic experience. We suggest you go to a bunker in the middle of the forest, where you will sit down on wooden deckchairs and read the underground press by candlelight, get acquainted with the partisan oath, sing partisan songs, and open a prayer book… The partisans of Pasvalys region, led by Jonas Alenčikas-Dragūnas, hid here when they were tired after the battles or when they were wounded. The actual bunker was built in 1945, but was destroyed during the battle. First rebuilt in 1997, but time and nature have taken their toll… The bunker was restored by the Pasvalys Regional Museum in 2019. After travelling in time you can go back to today again! You will see the real life of the partisans in a 3D movie when you will visit the Pasvalys Regional Museum.

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Historical places of memory

Homestead of the Vileišiai family

The homestead of the Vileišiai family of farmers stood in this place, where a group of people, who distinguished themselves for Lithuania, were born and grew up. Vileišiai – fighters for the freedom of the Lithuanian press, educators, entrepreneurs, revivalists of Lithuanian spirit, supporters of culture and art, statesmen, creators of self-government, builders of a reborn Lithuania… A roofed pole for the Vileišiai family was unveiled in the homestead on 16 February 1991 (sculptor Arūnas Grušas). It depicts five brothers: Petras, the engineer, Jonas, the lawyer and the signatory of the Act of Independence of 16 February 1918, Antanas, the doctor, Juozas, the priest, and Kazimieras, the farmer. The creation of Vileišiai Park began in 2001. Oak trees rustle here for the six brothers, and the two sisters are symbolized by fir trees. Trees are planted in the park on various occasions significant for the region of Pasvalys.

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Natural objects

Oak of Theodor Grotthuss

According to legend, a famous researcher of photochemistry, the first Lithuanian physical chemist, world-famous scientist Theodor von Grotthuß used to sit under this oak tree. He lived and worked nearby in the Gedučiai estate. The basement of T. Grotthuss’ grave remained in the forest, where he was buried, later the remains were moved elsewhere. Oak is a state-protected botanical natural heritage object. 

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Natural objects

Petraičiai Stone

The stone was lying in the nearby homestead of Šimkūnai next to the house. Glaciers brought it to these parts. Only a small part of the giant was visible above the ground. During reclamation in 1985, the boulder was unearthed and dragged closer to the road by powerful tractors. However, the stone started to jam in the lowest part, the ropes broke, so the boulder had to be left here, stuck about a meter in the ground. A natural monument of national significance. Dimensions 4.5x3x2.5 m.

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Natural objects

Sinkhole Įdubala

Įdubala opened more than a hundred years ago (in 1912) in the middle of Moliūnai forest. The depth measured by special devices is over five meters! It is said that once upon a time there was a horse standing in this place. A cursed girl came to ask for help from the boy who was lighting the fire in the threshing barn. When the boy who didn’t save her cursed, a hole opened in which the unfortunate girl disappeared. And a snake the size of a log crawled out of the hole and slithered into Moliūnai mound…

We invite you to search for the sinkhole, and its coordinates will help you not get lost in the forest.

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Natural objects

Skalės Mountain

Dolomite outcrop on the right bank of Mūša, natural monument. Dolomite is also called rock, lime, limestone, shale – that’s why this place got the name Skaliai Hill. With a steep slope, the outcrop falls to the river, in the east it gradually descends to the terrace of the valley, in the west – to a steep slope several hundred meters long and 7 meters high steep slope, covered with grass and bushes. In the western part of the cliff, the oldest rocks are visible – the clay and dolomite of the Pamūšis measure, in the eastern part – the dolomite of the Stipinai measure, at the top of the cliff, on the rocks of the Devonian system, there are Quaternary deposits up to 1 meter thick. At the bottom of the outcrop, water rushes in, moistening the grass. Dolomite was formed about 350 million years ago on the sea floor from dissolved carbonate sediments. When the level of the sea dropped and their bottom rose, the rocks oxidized, and their color changed – the gray dolomite became yellowish gray.

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Natural objects

Šventabala (Mary’s spring)

There was always a belief that it has miraculous powers. During the Pentecost church festival, people would walk, ride, and cycle to the spring, and those who wanted to be healed would crawl on their knees. The spring used to look completely different. Until 1938 there was a puddle where people washed their diseased and wounded body parts.

During the Soviet era, the spring was filled with soil under the order of the authorities. After the restoration of independence, the people of Daujėnai enthusiastically revived the spring and turned it into a sacral place.

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Natural objects


Velniakalnis is an archaeological site of the Iron Age. It is believed that in the times of paganism, there was a place of religious rites here – a site of alkas. Only isolated archaeological finds are known.

A sundial is installed on Velniakalnis, the highest hill in the Pasvalys Region. The height of Velniakalnis is 75.2 m. above sea level. The sky luminary observatory in Velniakalnis was created based on the old tradition of Balts. Back then, large stones marked important places: crossroads, burial places, land borders, celestial observation points. The sky luminaries observatory and the sundial were created by folk artist Arūnas Grušas (Pasvalys). The sundial was opened on 22 September 2019, commemorating the Day of Unity of Balts. Velniakalnis sundial is unique in its form, it is included in the virtual world sundial atlas

St. John’s Day, 6th of July – State Day, 22nd of September are celebrated at Velniakalnis, the fire of Balts’ unity is lit here.

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Natural objects

White (Barklainiai) Spring

A hydrological natural monument of national significance. The Spring is unique in its pungent smell and yucky taste. The pebbles of the bottom of the stream and the grass on the edges are so white that the spring is nicknamed White. Its water is clear, colorless, has a sharp smell of hydrogen sulphide, unpleasant taste, because it contains a lot of sulphates (gypsum) and other chemical compounds. With the help of a lever, water can be drawn from the tank.

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