Places to visit in Pasval district

Historical places of memory

Birthplace of poet Bernardas Brazdžionis

Here, in the homestead of the former village of Stebeikėliai, the future classic of Lithuanian literature, Bernardas Brazdžionis, honorary Citizen of the city of Pasvalys, was born on 02 February 1907. The boy, who was barely a year old, left his homeland with his parents and went across the Atlantic. He will later return, attend Žadeikiai, Pasvalys elementary schools, Biržai gymnasium, and study at Vytautas Magnus University. Then long years of living abroad… The native village will often appear in the poet’s works. A narrow, dusty road leads here, and the last remaining homestead in the neighborhood reminds us of what the Brazdžioniai farm might have looked like. Today, it is reminded by a powerful hundred-year-old oak and a roofed pillar with a figure of St. Roch was erected in 1989. In the years of revival, the poet’s return to his homeland was particularly sensitive.

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Historical places of memory

Bunker of Lithuanian partisans in the Green Forest

The partisans of the Green Forest set up a bunker in this place in autumn of 1944, named it “Near the path of Margiai Mountain-ash”. Jonas Tamošiūnas-Vyturys, a partisan from the village of Margiai, was killed in a battle with Russian soldiers near the bunker on 06 October 1945. At that time, another partisan was killed, whose name, unfortunately, is unknown. Others successfully retreated.

Bunker was restored in 2004 by the young riflemen of the Pasvalys rifle company, led by Algis Kalvėnas. In memory of the partisans, their comrade Juozas Tamulionis erected a wooden cross.

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Historical places of memory

Bunker of Lithuanian partisans in the Green Forest

The bunker, built in 1948, was one of the headquarters of the partisan commander Povilas Žilis-Klevas. The fighters of his unit belonged to the Green Detachment of Vytis County.

The authentic bunker was never discovered nor destroyed by the enemy, it was destroyed by nature. Bunker was restored in 2003 by the young riflemen of the Pasvalys rifle company, led by Algis Kalvėnas.

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Historical places of memory

Bunker of Lithuanian partisans in Žadeikiai forest

A place that gives an authentic experience. We suggest you go to a bunker in the middle of the forest, where you will sit down on wooden deckchairs and read the underground press by candlelight, get acquainted with the partisan oath, sing partisan songs, and open a prayer book… The partisans of Pasvalys region, led by Jonas Alenčikas-Dragūnas, hid here when they were tired after the battles or when they were wounded. The actual bunker was built in 1945, but was destroyed during the battle. First rebuilt in 1997, but time and nature have taken their toll… The bunker was restored by the Pasvalys Regional Museum in 2019. After travelling in time you can go back to today again! You will see the real life of the partisans in a 3D movie when you will visit the Pasvalys Regional Museum.

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Historical places of memory

Homestead of the Vileišiai family

The homestead of the Vileišiai family of farmers stood in this place, where a group of people, who distinguished themselves for Lithuania, were born and grew up. Vileišiai – fighters for the freedom of the Lithuanian press, educators, entrepreneurs, revivalists of Lithuanian spirit, supporters of culture and art, statesmen, creators of self-government, builders of a reborn Lithuania… A roofed pole for the Vileišiai family was unveiled in the homestead on 16 February 1991 (sculptor Arūnas Grušas). It depicts five brothers: Petras, the engineer, Jonas, the lawyer and the signatory of the Act of Independence of 16 February 1918, Antanas, the doctor, Juozas, the priest, and Kazimieras, the farmer. The creation of Vileišiai Park began in 2001. Oak trees rustle here for the six brothers, and the two sisters are symbolized by fir trees. Trees are planted in the park on various occasions significant for the region of Pasvalys.

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