

Pasvalys bookstore

Books, stationery, educational literature, souvenirs, home decor products, toys, games, backpacks, gift ideas. Gift cards (vouchers) can be purchased in the bookstore. Copying (black and white), literature ordering, gift wrapping services are provided.

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Pasvalys city market

Fresh meat, smoked meat products, dairy products, vegetables, fruits, honey, confectionery and bakery products, spices, new and used clothes, footwear, household items, garden plants, flowers, and seedlings.

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Pasvalys Cultural Center

Pasvalys Cultural Center gives every resident the opportunity to get involved in creative activities, encourages youth initiatives, ensures the activities of folk art and amateur art groups, the emergence of new modern amateur art forms, the implementation of innovative projects, meets the cultural needs of the community, and organizes the dissemination of professional art. Pasvalys Cultural Center with 14 departments in the entire district, serves about 22 thousand residents of the city and district.

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Pasvalys School of Music

The school was founded in 1959 and has been successfully operating for more than 60 years, educating children from Pasvalys District from 5 to 21 years old. We teach piano, accordion, violin, guitar, flute, clarinet, saxophone, brass instruments, organ, percussion instruments, and singing. In art programs, students are taught the basics of color expression, painting, drawing, ceramics, composition, art studies, and animation. the school usually educates 280-290 students on average.

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For children

Pasvalys Skate Park

The elements of the skatepark imitate the spaces found in street architecture – adapted for ramp scooters, skateboards, BMX bikes, and rollerblades – designed for pleasant everyday leisure time with the possibility of training for professional athletes. In the park, all elements are arranged in a logical sequence, so that they do not cross each other and maintain safe distances. There are large and small ramps.

Working hours: Open all year round

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For children

Raubonių pramogų parkas

Rauboniai Park is located next to the picturesque Rauboniai mound, in a convenient location near the highway Via Baltija. You will see many life-sized roaring dinosaurs and moving dragons in the park of dinosaurs, dragons, and giant beetles. On the Tarzan Trail, you will see the animals from above. Fun entertainment, rides for families and groups, as well as team games. It is possible to celebrate private festivals. The park can accommodate up to 500 persons.

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Regina Pottery Workshop

Ceramics classes teach how to shape, decorate and glaze clay products using various moulding methods. Visitors are taught to know and respect craft traditions and create their own. The topics are very diverse – include the moulding of household ceramics (dishes) and decorative works for the interior of home. Program themes are adapted according to seasonality. Before traditional holidays and based on the seasons, pieces are created for that period.  A space is left for the implementation of your own ideas. You can celebrate birthdays, bachelorette parties.

Number of participants: 5-12 persons

Duration of the session: 2 hours

Monthly subscription: EUR 50.

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Sėlė convenience store

The convenience store is full of gourmet goods from local producers and carefully selected farms of European countries. Home-baked bread, unexpectedly delicious cucumber jam, fish and seafood grown in Norwegian waters, olives from the Mediterranean region, and rich sheep’s and goat’s cheeses line up next to the honey collected by the neighbor bees or pressed cheese. We are proud to offer a wide range of products of “Ustukiai mill”: semolina, flour, small crisps and large crisps of various flavors.

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For children

Sensory room Rainbow

The sensory room environment stimulates the primary senses of touch, taste, sight, sound, smell, and movement. It is an intense world where all the senses – sight, hearing, smell, and touch – are exercised simultaneously. The room is not only for relaxation – it is suitable for children with special needs, attention and activity difficulties, various developmental disorders, hearing or vision impairment. You can celebrate birthdays and other festivals.

Visits in the sensory room “Rainbow” are individual. Time is booked by phone, during the session only the person who booked the time and the persons who came with him are present. The premises can accommodate 12 persons.

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Store of Saimeta products

Daujėnai homemade bread is baked according to an old family recipe using only rye flour, the dough is naturally leavened in wooden tubs. It has no chemical additives, preserves a lot of natural, valuable substances, making it an indispensable product for a healthy diet.

By baking bread, making cakes, confectionery products, and kvass according to the recipes of local housewives, we preserve the culinary heritage of the region for many years.

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