Places to visit in the city of Pasvaly

Top 10 places of interest in the Pasvaly region

Sinkhole park

Sinkhole park. After getting to know the history, it’s time to check out the nature. The Sinkhole Park is a unique place in Pasvalys, which has no equivalents not only in Lithuania, but also in the whole world. Geologists calculated that as many as 56 sinkholes had opened here 80 years ago. The field the looked like the cratered surface of the Moon from a bird’s eye view. In the past, this place was called Avižonis pits because the land belonged to farmers Avižoniai. Homes have never been built here nor economic activities have been developed. Today, in the 8-hectare area of the Sinkhole Park, there are more than ten karst collapses of various ages and sizes. The deepest sinkhole is about 6 meters deep. This is the highest concentration of sinkholes in one place, such a phenomenon is only present in the Pasvalys region. Various cultural events are held at the bottom of one of the largest sinkholes with no water, by erecting an amphitheater there. Local residents have long been accustomed phenomenon – sinkholes that are natural to the residents. City guests, especially foreigners, are more afraid of them. Travellers preparing to come to Pasvalys often ask if it is not dangerous here, is it safe to walk around the territory of the park, if it is not fenced and locked. Guests of the sinkhole park often ask if the ground will eat them when they’ll enter it…

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Natural objects, parks

Culture and recreation park

The park was started in 1923 and now covers an area of 70 hectares. Folk artists of our region decorated the park spaces with oak sculptures based on folklore and mythology motifs in 1986-1988. Šilas lake located in the park is interesting because it is of karst origin – merged from several sinkholes and formed by human hands. By the way, it took a lot of effort before it was possible to find and plug the hole through which the water drained somewhere into the dungeons. Various cultural events are held in the park during the summer, sports competitions are held in the stadium. Campsite with cosy cabins awaits tourists.

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Green Spring

The Green Spring is the deepest cave in Lithuania, included in “Factum”, the Lithuanian book of records. Its current depth is about 20 meters, diameter – 5 meters. Deep underground, the cave branches off into two large underground halls called “Sunny” and “Enigma”. The spring is on the left bank of the Lėvuo river. The spring coming out of the cave flows into the river. The green spring erupted around 1960 when a sinkhole opened in the area. The bottom of the spring is green, thus the water looks green as well. Due to its unique chemical composition, the water never freezes, its temperature does not rise above 8 °C at any time of the year. It is said that when the spring was opening, there was a barn in that place, into which water suddenly started flowing one night. People piled stones into the hole to stop it, but they couldn’t close it.

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Monuments, sculptures

Monument to book smugglers

In this place, the paths of book smugglers met, and in a nearby wooden house, authentic book hiding places, made in the walls, are still preserved. The region of Pasvalys was famous for its book smugglers, Jurgis Bielinis, known as the king of book smugglers, visited here many times. As many as eight book smugglers from the Pasvalys region are recorded in the Wall of Book smugglers in the garden of the Vytautas the Great War Museum in Kaunas. The author of the roofed pole is sculptor Arūnas Grušas.

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Monuments, sculptures

Monument to local doctor professor Petras Avižonis

The ophthalmologist began his career in the early 20th century as a military doctor in the Russo-Japanese and WWI wars. He did a lot to make his field in the independent Lithuania a priority. Researched the diagnositics, treatment, and prevention of eye diseases. Under the care of P. Avižonis Eye clinic was opened in Kaunas in 1930. Communicated with well-known Lithuanian public figures of that time. The monument stands on the street named after the professor, next to the Pasvalys Regional Museum. Author – sculptor Algirdas Bosas, funder – Birutė Blaževičienė, daughter of P. Avižonis.

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Monument to poet Bernardas Brazdžionis

The expatriate poet has finally returned to his hometown after long wanderings and welcomes visitors in the very heart of Pasvalys – at the confluence of rivers Svalia and Lėvuo! B. Brazdžionis is a historical figure who symbolizes the resilience and resistance of Lithuanian culture during the years of occupation by the Soviet Union. It is not for nothing that B. Brazdžionis is called the herald of freedom of the Lithuanian nation. The granite pedestal is like an iron curtain splitting with the sound of the famous “Šaukiu aš tautą!”. It is a gift to the city and culture, which was presented to the citizens of Pasvaly by the native, patron of various cultural and historical projects,  Pranas Kiznis PhD. Authors of the monument: Rimantas Dichavičius and Ukrainians Boris Krylov and Oles Sydoruk.

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Monument to the engineer Petras Vileišis

Petras Vileišis – fighter for the freedom of the Lithuanian press, educator, entrepreneur, reviver of Lithuanian spirit, supporter of culture and art, statesman… His birthplace is in the village of Mediniai near Pasvalys. P. Vileišis devoted most of his life to engineering activities – building bridges throughout the Russian Empire. The citizens of Pasvalys paid their respects to their famous countryman. The city gymnasium, which has just moved to the new building, was named after him in 1935. At the same time, a monument was erected nearby, symbolizing P. Vileišis not as an engineer, but as a tireless reviver of Lithuanian spirit. The monument was created by the sculptor Vincas Grybas.

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Monument to the Grand Duke of Lithuania Žygimantas Augustus

Žygimantas Augustas signed three important historical agreements with the Livonian Order in Pasvalys in 1557, thus making the town on the outskirts of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania famous. The 5-meter-high granite pedestal with a bronze bust of Žygimantas August standing in the center of Pasvalys is the only monument to this ruler in Lithuania. Its construction was initiated and financed by the honorary citizen of the Pasvalys region, businessman. Pranas Kiznis PhD. The monument was created by Ukrainian sculptors Boris Krylov and Olessy Sydoruk, with the assistance of artist Rimantas Dichavičius.

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Monuments, sculptures

Musician Antanėlis

An interactive sculpture of the legendary musician Antanelis stands on the observation deck of the old Lėvuo bridge. Sculpture is not only form, but content as well. When you touch the right hand, Antanėlis (in the voice of Jonas Nainys) tells about the most beautiful places in Pasvalys, when you touch the left hand, Antanėlis, in the voice of actress Olita Dautartaitė, retells his legend. And when you put your palm on the button of the clothes of Antanėlis, you hear a poem by the poet Vladas Braziūnas – read in the Pasvalys dialect about the old bridge of Lėvuo. The sculpture of Antanelis was donated to the city by the team of the Pasvalis Regional Museum.

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Park of the old rectory (Užupis Park).

The left bank of Lėvuo has long been called Užupis. The townsfolk were to settle there the last. There was a rectory in Užupis, priests used to go to the church by boat. Only in the early 20th century, both banks of the river were joined by a bridge. Today, the brick building of the old rectory remains, and the quay is decorated with expressive wooden sculptures. Cultural events take place in the park, “Klėties teataras” invites you to the old granary.

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Natural objects, parks

Svalia Valley Park

The river Svalia gave the name to the City of Pasvalys. The recreation park located in the river valley is a great place for leisure, sports, children’s games, and nature observation.

The spaces of the park are connected by bridges and paths, a cozy square with sculptures and exercise equipment, a tennis table, and a children’s area with climbing playsets. Gazebos invite you to sit down, and wooden deckchairs invite you to lie down. At the edge of the park is the old Jewish and Karaite cemetery of Pasvalys. From Svalia Park, you can walk to Sinkhole Park (Panevėžio g.).

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